
Medical Malpractice

We trust our lives and the lives of our loved ones in the hands of healthcare providers to heal us from an illness or injury or to keep us from getting sick.

Mistakes happen. However, many medical errors are preventable, and even more are the result of negligence on the part of doctors, surgeons, nurses, and others who fail to meet the standard of care they are ethically responsible to maintain. Preventable medical mistakes are a leading cause of death and serious injury in the U.S., including Minnesota.

The medical malpractice attorneys at Morris Law Group can be your voice to fight a system that is set up to protect those whose mistakes do us harm instead of good.

Our Twin Cities malpractice lawyer works to hold healthcare providers accountable, whether the negligence happened during a routine procedure, major surgery, or as a result of a medication error or misdiagnosis.

Bottom line? Medical negligence means your doctor or other medical provider failed to protect you. And we will fight to make sure you receive the compensation you deserve for your suffering.

Edina Medical Malpractice Attorney

Don’t wait to seek legal help for your injury claim. Keep in mind, the statute of limitations for medical malpractice cases in Minnesota is four years from the date that the malpractice occurred. Don’t pay the price for someone else’s mistake.

We Can Help

Morris Law Group will work to secure you the compensation and outcome you deserve.